Friday, January 2, 2009

Bodouir Session for "Love Day"

valentine special 2

I don't have a section on my website about Boudoir Sessions, but it's definitely something we love to do!

The Boudoir Sessions are sexy, sensual, and seductive photo shoots in which you can wear lingerie or your man's favorite jersey. This Valentine's Day...make him desire you all over again!

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about our Boudoir Session:

Q: What if I'm not a model with a perfect body?
A: Not a problem! I can find poses to accent your assets and hide your imperfections.

Q: Where will we shoot?
A: We can shoot at my studio or home or your home or wherever you want. Some clients rent a room at a nice hotel, and we can shoot there.

Q: What should I wear?
A: It's best to bring a wide variety of different outfits and photos of poses you've seen in magazines that you like so we have something to start with. As the shoot progresses, you will feel more comfortable and able to try different things on your own, but it helps if you have something to look at to begin.

Q: Do you shoot nudes?
A: If that's what you want...yes. But I believe sexy is leaving something to the imagination. There are certain poses we can create to give the illusion that you may or may not be naked.

Q: Will you post my photos on your website?
A: Only if you give me permission. I would never violate your trust and jeopardize my reputation.

Sessions are $200 and albums start at $400, so if you are interested send an e-mail to to schedule your appointment right away!