Friday, December 11, 2009

Isaac & Adrian Briggs | newborn session

Isaac & Adrian Briggs came into this world through In Vitro Fertilization. Tisha and Dave have a blog about their journey. Here's a snippet from Tisha a few days after giving birth.

"It was a long road to get Adrian and Isaac, but I would go through every bit of it again. They are perfect. I never knew I could love like this. I have so many hopes and dreams for them. I am so glad that Dave and I never gave up. We struggled through trying to get pregnant for 3 years, spent thousands and thousands of dollars and shed millions of tears on fertility treatments, and we both suffered through a very difficult pregnancy and an even worse birth. I am glad that we realized it would be worth it. I guess I never realized the reward would be so great. I feel like we are the two most blessed people on earth."

Here is a link to their newborn slideshow.