Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cowan Farm

I've loved horses ever since I was a little boy. One summer, we went to Mexico (the country, not the city in Missouri) to visit my grandparents. One of my uncles was rounding up cattle on horse back, and I begged to help.

With trepidation, he said, 'Yes.' Well, being the city slicker that I am, I was wearing shorts, a T-shirt and boots. But that wasn't going to stop me from saddling up.

Without fail, a calf started heading the wrong direction. My uncle yells,"Cut her off around those bushes." So, I high tailed it through the bushes instead. Well, little did I know they were some kind of exotic thorn bushes! The thorns pierced my thighs a quarter of an inch deep. It hurt like a "son of a beach." My thighs were bloody, and I was crying like a baby girl. But I will never forget how wonderful it felt to gallop.

So, when Kay stopped by the studio to set up her photo shoot, I was more than thrilled when she said it would include her horses.

Here are some of my favorite shots of Kay, her foreign exchange student and her son, Jason.