Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Labor of Love | Baby Art Calendars

The Baby Art Calendar project is a collaboration between Studio 1004
Modern Photography and Northeast Regional Medical Center (NRMC). The calendar is a celebration of the hospital's newly renovated OB/Nursery Unit.

Studio 1004 and NRMC realize that not all children are blessed with a kind and nurturing environment. So Studio 1004 and NRMC decided to donate all the proceeds of the Baby Art Calendar to Victim Support Services (VSS).

"We want the the Baby Art Calendar to bring people joy, but we also want to raise awareness about the hidden crime of child abuse and neglect," said Hector Contreras, Studio 1004 owner and photographer.

VSS provides counseling and shelter for Northeast Missouri victims of violence and abuse, primarily women and children.

If you would like to help the cause, you can purchase a calendar at these fine Kirksville retailers: Hy-Vee(@Customer Service counter), Hastings, Sweet Espressions Coffee House, Kirksville Area Chamber of Commerce, The Green Door, Hidden Treasures, Reflections 2000, Studio 1004, and the Northeast Regional Medical Center Gift Shop.

We can also mail you a calendar. Just send your check for $13 made out to "VSS" to:
Studio 1004
P.O. Box 191
Kirksville, MO 63501
Please make checks payable to Victim Support Services.

PS: I want to take this opportunity to thank all the parents of our baby models for having the patience to work with my crazy schedule. This project would not have been possible without their appreciation and love for the art and the cause.

I also want to thank my right hand woman, Kate Elrod, for her dedication and organizational skills to get this project scheduled into my calendar. Kate, you are simply the best!

We have created a special website for this project...www.studio1004babyart.net for you to see.

Hector Contreras,
Kirksville Photographer