Thursday, October 23, 2008

Logan Ford | Schuyler County HS

What an adventure Logan and his parent took me on! There was this pond that Logan wanted to use as a backdrop so we had to cross a small mud bridge. On each side...a 20 foot drop into a creek.

We'll we got across it fine the first time...but coming back...the truck got stuck! As Logan's dad tried to get us unstuck...the truck started sliding sideways! "Oh my this is not good," Logan's mom said frantically from the back seat. As Logan's dad rocked the truck forwards and backwards we some how managed to inch closer to the edge of the creek! In the face of this scary moment I maintained a calm composure on the outside...but on the inside...I thought we were going down!

In the end we made it across and laughed about our near fall and managed to get some really cool shots at the Lancaster County Club!

Here are some of my favorite shots and the link to his slideshow.